After years of travelling the globe, living out of a suitcase, indulging in an unhealthy lifestyle and being bombarded with toxic Jet-lag…..My body had simply had enough!! It was crying out to me “STOP”. This is when i realised i had reached rock-bottom…I could not continue down this path or else my body, both physically and mentally would just shut down!!

This was the moment when i decided enough was enough and it was now time i made some changes to my life and so began my journey!

I began to research healthier ways of living from nutrition to more natural forms of nurturing the body like practising Meditation, Mindfulness, Yoga, Tai Chi and even Spirituality. I soon realised through my research that there was a real connection between Mind, Body and Spirit and that in order to fully function at an optimal level…all three components must work in harmony for everything to naturally flow!

Over the years i had been going to the gym on occasions and trying to eat what i thought was healthily, but there was no real connection …it was as if my body and mind were operating with different systems that  were totally out of kilt with each other….there was no real cohesion!

I also started to read lots of books about Mindset and how you create your own reality by the thoughts we think and what we focus on….I learnt that “What We Focus On….Expands” and that we tend to attract in life whatever we think about…. both positively and negatively….”Thoughts Become Things”. So I decided to Shift my Mindset and only try to think in a positive way…this was difficult at first since i had been programmed, like so many people , from an early age to look for things based on Fear and Scarcity. The more i practised though…the more i started to see positive things happening in my life….changes that would empower me to live a better more meaningful life!