So my new healthier lifestyle felt good….but there was still something missing! There was still a feeling inside that there was more to this life than just wallowing in self glory or material satisfaction!

And so began my journey into self discovery! I started reading lots of books on self-help and personal development by authors such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Robin Sharma and Deepak Chopra and soon found that Spirituality started to resonate more with me and that there were bigger things out there in the vast space of the Universe that could guide us and lead us on a better path!

You see the way i viewed life before was very much in a self serving way, where i would think about myself more than others and as long as i got what i wanted, everything would be ok! Learning more about Spirituality taught me to think more about the feelings of others and that we are all here on this earth to help one another and to show compassion and love. The deeper i delved into this new area the more i realised that this was the path i wanted to pursue! I started to think differently and material desires seemed to wain….I started to feel more at peace with myself and concentrated on living more in the “present” moment…..not thinking about the past or worrying about the future!

In the film “The Shift” by Dr. Wayne Dyer, he says to ask yourself  “How can i serve others more?” So i began to adopt this philosophy in both my personal and business life and started to offer some of my services for free in my business and always made sure i helped someone who was in need.

I also started to study the philosophy of Buddhism and really began to resonate with it as it encouraged living a more peaceful life …”We are shaped by our thoughts; We become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves” – Buddha. I kept reading the quote “What we focus on expands” and this is so true. I began to change the way i thought about things and started to think more positively.

Instead of focusing on what was going wrong in my life…I started to focus more on what was going right and began to appreciate the beautiful things in life….like my job and the fact that i get to travel the world and see some amazing sites and experience some wonderful cultures along the way! like really does attract like and i began to see that what we put out in the world comes back to us…its as if the Universe is looking out for us and leading us down the correct path.

I began to practise the art of Visualising and Manifestation….and “seeing” what my perfect future looked like in my mind’s eye. There is a real connection between mind, body and soul and i think when everything is in alignment with each other, everything just seems to flow effortlessly and synchronicities start to happen! Have you ever thought about someone and then soon afterwards that same person rings you or sends you a text…..strange huh….but really this is the Universe sending you the gift to connect and make things happen!!

I began to start using this changed mindset in my business and soon saw a remarkable change in how i attracted new clients and how i managed them, with less stress and anxiety and more excitement and energy! From a feeling of constant overwhelm and anxiety came a sense of effortless flow and peace. I felt more in control of my business and also my personal life changed dramatically as well….i became more self-aware and with a desire to help people more.

I really started to feel a real connection between mind, body and soul and at last i was peaceful and happy!!