As I sat quietly near the shoreline and closed my eyes and listened to the gentle, rhythmic sounds of the waves, I felt a beautiful surge of energy pass through my body.

What a “Gift” this time has been for me…its allowed me the time and space to be still and go within. Like so many others my life before this was like being in the “fast lane”, constantly rushing from one place to the next, flying all over the globe and constantly living “in my head”, stressed and overwhelmed.

I learn’t how to meditate and breathe properly by connecting to my breath allowing the energy to flow deep within my body….this felt so good and I could feel the difference this was making to my health and general wellbeing. I connected to my heart energy and started to move “out of my head” where I had spent so many years overthinking everything.

This was the great “Pause” that I and so many others needed to re-connect back to ourselves to find out who we truly are and what’s really important in life.

I marvelled at how beautiful nature was, everything seemed so much more vibrant…the skies were empty and just so blue, the tress and leaves were bright green and the flowers were just so colourful and bird-song was loud and proud everywhere. Nature too was loving this time…it was as if it was being allowed to heal and nurture its way back to full-health.

As I stared out across the ocean I realised this way of “being” and not “doing” had been missing from my life and it felt wonderful to be able to experience this new sense of joy and gratitude for living this freely.

Those sun-kissed days meditating on the beach and swimming in the ocean have been a revelation for me and have taught me the importance of being “still”and going within…to a place this is filled with peace and all the answers.

Thank you, thank you for this Time!