I had always had an overwhelming desire or yearning to try Yoga, as so many people i met along my path talked about the wonderful benefits of practising Yoga for both body and mind! I seemed to be drawn to this mystical Eastern practise and yet somehow always seemed to put off actually trying it!!

Then at the beginning of this year i said enough is enough…now is the time to actually start this, so i found a local Yoga centre and enrolled in my first practise…Vinyassa Flow Yoga…which is a more gentle style of Yoga…coordinating movement with breath or “Prana”. Well my first lesson involved getting my body into these wonderfully twisting strange positions, whilst breathing properly at the same time to let the “Prana” flow through my body! I can’t say i found these positions particularly comfortable but i carried on till the end of the class and then was told by our instructor to get into the “Shavasana” or “Corpse Pose”.

This involved lying down flat on our backs with heels spread as wide as the yoga mat and arms away from the body, palms facing upwards. This practise allows the body, mind and spirit to rejuvenate and relieve stress. I soon found myself falling into a relaxing state of blissful contemplation and at the end of the session was awakened by the sound of a small bell! I have to say that i had never experienced anything like this at all in my life and was instantly hooked on the practise of Yoga!

I began to go regularly to my classes and soon found that by regularly practising Yoga, i was able to “quiet” my busy mind and forget about all the stresses of the day that seemed to build up. I also started practising Yoga on my travels around the world and was able to find little studios which i could just pop into.

I have to say that finding and practising this ancient art form has been an absolute God send for me and has completely transformed my life for the better! I feel calmer, less stressed and seem to have more energy and vitality. Above all else, through Yoga i found Stillness and have become more spiritually aware! I now know how to connect all three elements of myself…Mind, Body and Spirit and have learnt to live a more peaceful and serving life!

After each practise we say this word….”Namaste” and i know incorporate its meaning into my everyday life and everyone that i meet!

It means…”The light within me honours the light within you”