They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step! So i took this first step and soon found myself traveling along this path of self-discovery and was confronted by many aspects of my past.

I desperately wanted to move forward with my life in a more positive way but there were these old nagging patterns and limiting self-beliefs that were holding me back, always showing up, getting in the way. I tried to work past these old patterns and beliefs through various forms of therapy work and although they seemed to disappear for a while, they would soon rear their ugly heads whenever i was triggered etc.

I tried all sorts of positive thinking and affirmations techniques to help me get through these blocks but none of them seemed to have any long lasting effects on me. I knew there must be another way, a better way to confront my demons and get rid of them for good. On my quest for learning i soon discovered Spirituality and became both fascinated and intrigued with this new way of thinking and feeling. You see for most of my life i had been operating from my “head”, always overthinking and suffering from overwhelm and stress, and through these new teachings i learned how to feel with my “heart” and go inwards. This is where the magic happens and it opened up a whole new level of possibilities for me.

Through studying Spirituality more I learned that there was a greater force in existence than me, guiding me and protecting me and all i had to do was tap into this infinite power and connect to this source. I realised that all these blocks that were showing up in my life were in deed lessons for me and they were coming up time and time again because i hadn’t learned from them. I knew that if i wanted to clear them for good i would have to confront them face on to erase the memory and create a new version of my memories. I knew this would be uncomfortable but it was something i had to do in order to move forward.

So it was time to take that leap of faith and “step into the dark”…time to clear all those old patterns and limiting self-beliefs that had been holding me back and sabotaging my very existence. I sat in silence and meditated and went back all along my time-line to these difficult times that showed up. It was dark and uncomfortable but i forced myself to face them full-on and instead of coming at them from a place of fear or anger and frustration, i came to them with a feeling of pure love and no judgment.

Memories of being helpless, scared, frustrated and not good enough were replaced by memories of joy and love. There was no need for me to be defensive anymore…no one was attacking me. I just had to let go of these feelings that had held me tight all these years, feelings of lack, scarcity, fear, anger,resentment, frustration….now i was free to just let them all go. Suddenly i felt a real sense of peace down there in the ‘dark”…everything was quiet and serene and i could see the beautiful life ahead of me i had envisaged for so long. No longer would i have to live my life with fear as my heart had expanded and allowed the energy of love to flow to me and through me.

Off in the distance of my mind i could see a doorway with a beam light coming through. I walked towards this light and stepped through the door to discover a beautiful new world…where only love, joy and gratitude existed. It was in this moment that i knew i had conquered my demons and had set myself “free”, free from the shackles and burdens of negative beliefs and patterns. My new thoughts and feelings were vibrating at a higher frequency now and i was ready to step into my new life…as a Peaceful Warrior.