My love affair with Travel started at an early age when I was lucky enough to live in the Caribbean with my family! We lived on various islands including Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad and I loved those halcyon care free days lazing on tropical beaches soaking up the sun, eating fresh mangoes and drinking fresh coconut water straight from the nuts which had fallen from the palm trees!

My lust for Travel extended into my adulthood when I took a job as Cabin Crew for a global airline, that took me all over the world. These were exciting and intoxicating times that led to many memorable experiences such as visiting the fabulous Taj Mahal in India and standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon and viewing It’s awesomeness and grandeur, to diving with a Whale shark in the exotic Seychelles!!!

Those days captivated my heart as well as the endless alcoholic induced parties and BBQs we used to have!!! Those days were incredibly fun and ones I will never forget but at the same time all the travelling and partying did come at a cost!

As time went by my body and mind grew older and my yearning for a healthier lifestyle began as i could no longer sustain this unhealthy way of living! My body felt tired and exhausted all the time and my mind groggee from all the traveling and jet lag! I began researching how the body is effected by time changes and soon realised that if I wanted to pursue this way of life I needed to change my lifestyle! I began to study diet and nutrition and how this impacted the way your body worked and so started to eat more healthily and cut back on alcohol, drink more water and fresh organic juices! This not only helped cleanse my system but gave me so much more energy!

So instead of loading myself up on coffee first thing in the morning, I would consume organic juices and fruit to kickstart my system in a healthy way. You see for a while I had been suffering from what is commonly known as Adrenal fatigue, where your body is so stressed both emotionally and physically from all the traveling and nights out of bed that my body was producing way too much Cortisol! Now, whilst the production of Cortisol and Adrenaline is ok for you in the short term, over a long period of time this can become a serious problem and in my case was manifesting itself in physical exhaustion, burnt out, sleep deprivation and an irregular heart beat with strange palpitations which were very bothersome!

Although there was no long term physical damage done to me it was seriously effecting my mind and I was often left feeling anxious and over whelmed! Luckily for me I found that living a more healthy lifestyle with diet and nutrition and taking up more regular exercise …this had a major impact on me and my physical wellbeing  improved tremendously!

So instead of living off coffee, biscuits, crisps and alcohol …it was fresh juices, nuts and organic produce with plenty more water!!! At first this seemed a dull way of living but I soon got used to it and started to love the way it made me feel with so much more vibrant energy!!! I felt I was now in control of my body and how I felt and not the other way round!

Life was good!!